Refund Request Information and Form
Refund Request Information
If you were unable to complete a course due to circumstance beyond your control, you may file an online Refund Request. If approved, a tuition refund of 25% to 100% will be applied to your account.
Refunds do not change the grade assigned by your instructor, nor do they refund transportation fees and other course fees. Notification of the outcome of your appeal will be sent to your myLane email address within 30 days of receipt.
Before submitting your refund request, please refer to refund request requirements below for additional information:
Wait. You may not need to file a refund request….
If your issues are related to the quality of instruction, your educational experience,you feel you have been miss-advised, or you never attended a class, use the complaint process. Your complaint will be reviewed by the appropriate college administrator.
Refund request requirements
All requirements must be met before your refund request will be considered. Before submitting your request, carefully review the information below.
- Form: Complete the online “Refund Request Form for Credit Classes” below
- Documentation: Include independent documentation that supports the reason for your request, along with any information you believe would be helpful to the committee in making their decision.
- Submission deadline: Your refund appeal must be received by the college within 30 days from the end of the term.
Contact the following departments for petitions about Community Education classes:
- Small Business Development Center, 101 W. 10th Ave., Suite 304, Eugene, OR 97401
- Continuing Education, 101 W. 10th Ave., Suite 119, Eugene, OR 97401
Key Deadlines
To obtain a refund, YOU must drop your class by 11:59 p.m. on the Sunday of the first week of the term. (Exception: for classes less than 4 weeks, drop the class at least three days before the class begins to recieve a refund.) Once you have made changes at/before the refund deadline, make sure that the classes you have dropped are no longer on your schedule. Confirm the deadline on the online refund schedule.
Refund Request Form for Credit Classes
Refund requests are only considered for circumstances clearly beyond a student's control and must be turned in by 30 days after the end of the term you are requesting a refund for.
If you have documented medical or emergency reasons why you were unable to drop your class by the refund deadline, use this form to request a refund. Review the Refund Request Information above for details about filing a request.
If you have questions about whether you might be eligible to receive a refund, or how to do so, please email the Bursar's office at
Refund credits from dropped courses will first apply to any outstanding amounts due on your student account. Refunds are processed beginning the second week of each term and are credited back to the original source of payment as follows:
- For classes paid by credit card or debit card- refunds are credited back to the credit or debit card. (Please note refunds can take up to 30 days by your bank.)
- For classes paid by check - refunds are issued as a check
- For classes paid by third party or agency payments - refunds are issued to the original payor
- For classes paid by financial aid resources - credits will be reviewed by the Financial Aid department and may be applied to offset financial aid resources. Any remaining refund authorized by Financial Aid will be issued as a refund check or direct deposit.