Finance Council
- Develop college-wide financial and budget policies
- Develop the long-range financial plan
- Evaluate the financial performance of the college
- Evaluate the results of policies, planning and the annual budget process, recommending changes as necessary
Scope of Work:
The Finance Council is responsible for college-wide budget and finance policy and for long-range fiscal strategies and planning. The Vice President for Finance & Administration is responsible for operating procedures to implement policy. The Finance Council is responsible for evaluating financial performance and evaluating the results of implementation of policy and plans.
The Finance Council shall:
- Develop and evaluate college-wide budget/financial policies
- Develop the college's strategies and long-range fiscal plan in support of the strategic plan
- Recommend to the College Council any relevant assumptions and criteria for the annual budget development process
- Evaluate financial performance and budget development process
- Provide college-wide forums for dialogue on budget and finance issues
- VP for Finance & Administration 1
- VP for Academic and Student Affairs 1
- Chief Financial Officer 1
- Classified 2
- Faculty 2
- Managers 2
- Students 2
- Additional members by position 0-4
- Accounting Manager/Bursar (1)
- Budget Director (1)
- Staff Accountant (1)