This page is part of the 2020 Lane website archive, and is presented for historical reference only.

VISA Procurement Card (P-Card)






College Finance


(541) 463-5516

Primary Contact

Greg Holmes, CPA

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Chief Financial Officer


This procedure describes the steps to take for employees applying for a P-card, as well as requirements for, and restrictions on, its use. A P-card is a convenient replacement for a Purchase Order (PO). It is designed to expedite supplier payment within 48 hours.


Visa Card Use

A VISA Procurement Card (P-Card) is available upon approval of a VISA Procurement Card Application and Agreement. This agreement sets forth terms, conditions and responsibilities for use of this card by the cardholder.

Purchases may not exceed $4,999.00. The total amount charged may not exceed $8,000 per month. All purchases will be charged against a predetermined single account distribution. There will be no journal entry reclassification of expenses.

When placing an order in person or over the telephone using the P-Card, be sure that the vendor is given complete delivery information (name, department and address). This will ensure that the staff in Warehouse Services will know where to deliver the shipment when it is received.

VISA Procurement Card application forms may be obtained in the Accounts Payable area of College Finance.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, August 31, 2015