This page is part of the 2020 Lane website archive, and is presented for historical reference only.



The accounting team has the responsibility to aid in maintaining the accuracy and integrity of Lane's financial records. The department provides numerous internal and external financial services and reports.

Who We Are

Greg Holmes
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: 541-463-5516
Manage college finance work flow, team member schedules, review completed work, and coordinate the annual audit.

Kozue Perrault
Staff Accountant
Phone: 541-463-5108
Prepare quarterly reports, report payroll taxes, all other reporting tasks, banking and investments, special projects, Banner Finance access (see Banner section below for more information).

Maria Montes
GL Accountant
Phone: 541-463-5609
Process Intercampus Orders (ICO’s), department website administrator, special projects.

Gloria Jarvis
Phone: 541-463-5605
Process grants, third party invoicing (outside vendors), and Deposit Transmittals for College or Foundation funds (including the “sharing” of renting College spaces), special projects.

Lisa MacDonald
Accountant Trainee
Phone: 541-463-5603
Process sponsored accounts, special projects.

Banner Access and Information 

Email approval for access needs to be sent from Department Manager to Greg Holmes. Greg Holmes tasks Tasha Drake to allow access.

FOAP maintenance is done by Kozue Perrault

Deposit Transmittals

This form is used to submit cash and check deposits to LCC or LCC Foundation. In particular, deposits applying the rent split formula or those going to the LCC Foundation MUST use this form. The rental fee revenue is split 50% to the department renting the space/room, 25% to the General Fund for administrative costs, and 25% to Facilities Reinvestment Fund IV.

Please deliver cash and checks, along with this form, in person to College Finance. In-Kind donations must be submitted to the Foundation using the Foundation Gift-In-Kind Form. 

Intercampus Orders (ICO’s)

This form allows departments to “purchase” items and services from other areas of the College. For example, ordering and purchasing paper from Printing and Graphics or reserving a meeting room from the Center for Meeting and Learning. The department receiving services sends an ICO form to the department supplying the services; when the order is complete the supplying department submits the ICO to College Finance for posting to Banner.

Requesting departments can do the following prior to submitting their ICO to ensure it processes smoothly and in a timely manner:

  •  Ensuring there is adequate Budget Authority in the FOAP you enter on the form to cover the cost. This is the number one reason that delays timely posting when College Finance receives a completed ICO.
  • Attaching required documentation. A copy of a PCARD statement is not adequate. When you are “reclassing” an expense (that is, correcting the original FOAP charged to a different FOAP) you must include a copy of the Banner screen showing the FOAP where the original charge was made.
  • Attaching supporting documents (e.g., Banner screen shots, emails, mock-up of documents to be printed).
  • Writing clear descriptions of what is being requested and where it is to be delivered. Supplying departments should ensure the ICO process is concluded and sent to College Finance in a timely manner, preferably in the same month the order is completed. This is particularly important during June as the end of the fiscal year nears. ICO’s revenues and expenses must be posted in the fiscal year that the services were provided.
  • Ensuring that the form has appropriate Budget Authority signature(s).

FY18 change in ICO form: For many years the ICO form has been a three-part carbon pack document. This form is being phased out and an online ICO form is being implemented. Understanding that some departments have supplies of the carbon pack document, these will still be acceptable until supplies run out. Printing and Graphics will no longer print the carbon pack form after their inventory is depleted (they still have a small supply).

There will be no pre-filled ICO number. You may fill in the ICO # box with a six digit alpha/numeric/ combination that makes sense to you. College Finance will include that “identifier” when they post the ICO to Banner. All other instructions will not change. You can fill out this form, print it from the web page or save it to your computer, print and process as usual. You will still need to submit your entire "paper packet" to Finance.

College Finance’s goal is to process ICO’s within 1-2 business days of receiving in our office. If you have questions or do not see your ICO posted to Banner within one work week please contact Maria Montes.

  • ICO Fillable Form (If you do not have "full" adobe you should save the ICO document to your own desktop or drive.)

Third Party Billings

This form is used by departments needing to bill outside parties such as vendors. Once completed send to College Finance who will send out a billing for the materials and/or services rendered.