Welcome to Lane Community College!
Lane offers many different educational opportunities– we truly have something for everyone!
As the third largest community college in Oregon with campus locations in Eugene, Cottage Grove and Florence, we're known for our innovative programs, high quality instruction and commitment to sustainability. As a student at Lane, you can enroll full-time, part-time, or take noncredit courses for a variety of interests. Lane also offers a variety of courses and programs that can be taken entirely online.
Ready to learn more?
- Programs of Study
- Foundational academic, language, and life skills development
- Lifelong personal development and enrichment
- Not sure what you're interested in? Take our interest assessment to explore careers and our programs!
One of the advantages of attending Lane is living in the area! Lane's main campus is nestled within the Willamette Valley in Eugene, a city known for its quality of life. Eugene's slogan is "A Great City for the Arts and Outdoors" and is also referred to as "Track Town USA". Together, the Eugene and Springfield area comprise the second largest population center in the state, and Lane County spans from the Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. The area's scenic mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, and coastline offer many opportunities for outdoor adventures or for just sitting back and enjoying the view.