This page is part of the 2020 Lane website archive, and is presented for historical reference only.

Sponsored Accounts

Sponsored Accounts:

Sponsored Account Information

The information provided is for students and sponsoring agencies authorized to pay educational expenses. To ensure all Sponsored billing request are processed in a timely manner Lane Community College has established the following guidelines.  Please read carefully and review with your clients and staff who deal with any aspect of sponsored authorizations or payments. The information below will provide the definition, benefits, requirements, forms, bookstore charges, student rights and responsibilities.


  • A sponsored student is a student for whom a business or agency has initiated a contract with Lane Community College on behalf of the student to be billed for the student's educational expenses.


  • A billing statement is generated to the agency for all sponsored students. Sponsors are billed at the end of each term.
  • One check may be written for all charges and students.
  • Finance fees are not assessed on sponsored agency accounts.
  • Sponsored covered charges appear as paid on student's accounts receivable billing statements

Helpful Links:

Sponsor Requirements:

  • A completed authorization form must be received in the Sponsored Accounts office by the end of the first week of the term that the student is attending, to prevent late fees from being assessed to the student's account. Sponsored students will be responsible for all late fees if the contract has not been received at the point that late fees are assessed.
  • All required information must be completed and included on these forms
  • Student must sign a release only if allowing the sponsoring agency to receive Financial Aid award information.
  • Once an authorization has been received and processed, the agency may not refuse payment for authorized charges or cancel authorization.
  • If a student drops a class after the drop with refund deadline, the agency is still responsible for nonrefundable charges.
  • All changes or modifications to authorizations must be in writing, and provided to Lane.


Bookstore charges:

  • Contact Follett bookstore about sponsored students charging books or supplies. Follett has a separate authorization system that will need to be used. The bookstore phone number is 541-463-5256.

Student Responsibilities:

Check myLane/ExpressLane account weekly. If student receives a billing notice, notify the sponsoring agency immediately for a modification to authorization. If the authorization is not received prior to the student charging and the College's statement process has billed the student for incurred charges and accessed finance charges it is the student's responsibility to pay fees.

  • Ensure Lane has received the Sponsored authorization before first student billing date.
  • Provide the sponsor with information that will result in additional charges being authorized that were not previously covered by the authorization.
  • Provide if required by Sponsors agency an itemization from Lane Bookstore receipt of charges.
  • Check myLane/ExpressLane for account information


Lane is unable to accept authorizations if payment is contingent upon monitoring the following:

  • Enrollment
  • Satisfactory Academic Performance
  • Attendance
  • Purchase of a specific textbook or supply items
  • Financial Aid awards status
  • Successful completion of class

If these conditions are a requirement then another means of payment between the students and sponsor will need to be evaluated. Sponsoring agencies are billed at the end of the term. Bills are due upon receipt. Delinquency of payment may result in refusal of service.

Agency bills will include a third party processing fee of $20.00 per student per term.


Lane Community College
Sponsored Accounts,
PO Box 50850
Eugene, OR 97405-0999
Phone: 541-463-5607
Fax: 541-463-4174

Federal Tax ID: 93-0546223