This page is part of the 2020 Lane website archive, and is presented for historical reference only.

Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)

Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) engages the campus community in understanding of mission fulfillment and institutional indicators; assesses the effectiveness of the College’s planning, improvement, and assessment systems and structures; evaluates progress toward mission fulfillment; and provides information and recommendations to the campus and community.

The IEC is sponsored by the Provost and Executive Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs and the Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness. Committee membership is comprised of representatives from all areas of the college: faculty, staff, students, and management. Some memberships are by position, while others are by rotating assignment.


Position Member Appointed By
Academic Program Review Oversight Committee Chair Kate Sullivan Position
Accreditation Liaison Officer & Program Manager Tammie Stark Position
Assessment Coordinator Shannon Ball Position
Faculty at Large Christine Andrews Faculty Council
Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness Richard Plott Position
College Council Representative Chris Rehn College Council
Diversity Representative Marsha Sills Diversity Council
Faculty Institutional Researcher Molloy Wilson Position
Information Technology Representative Barbara Barlow Powers Position
Manager at Large Ian Coronado Management Steering Committee
Peer-to-Peer Group Representative Carla Arciniega Peer-to-Peer Group
Student Affairs at Large Brandon Gibson Academic & Student Affairs
Student Affairs Manager Lida Herburger Academic & Student Affairs
Student at Large Cameron Santiago Associated Students of LCC
Provost & Executive VP, Academic & Student Affairs Paul Jarrell Position